Sharing the Heart of the Matter: Staying Steady…

Another exciting announcement!

I was invited again by Wynne Leon and Vicki Atkinson to join them on their Sharing the Heart of the Matter Podcast, a feature of their The Heart of the Matter blog!

The Heart of the Matter strives to inspire writers (and readers) to discuss stories in an uplifting way, in a supportive and encouraging space, where all perspectives and viewpoints are welcomed.

To listen to our discussion about people who help us and inspire us to stay steady, click on and scroll to the bottom for the podcast link.

Thanks again to all who’ve asked what I’ve been up to lately. Blogging continues to be great fun and has proven to be an exciting pathway to incredible opportunities such as this.

Stuart M. Perkins

Below is the link to the essay about my grandfather’s love of fishing and the family traditions it led to.


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33 responses to “Sharing the Heart of the Matter: Staying Steady…

  1. Congrats, Stuart! It was such a treat to visit with you once again! 🥰

  2. Glad you are getting recognition !

  3. Congrats, Stuart! And happy holidays. Alisa

  4. “Keep your hand on the plow and hold on.” ‘Especially during moments of doubt.’ I enjoyed your story and comments on the podcast, Stuart. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Congratulations 🎉.
    Good news

  6. Stuart, I never felt so close to you than now, though we have never met physically. On your blog, I read both stories, “Because Granddaddy Liked to Fish”, and “Hand on the Plow”, on which I left my comments. I have heard both podcasts in which you were a guest speaker. This afternoon, with a cup of tea in hand, I relished the podcast show on my PC. Today amazingly, I saw your photo, with an honest look in your eyes. Actually, you are one of two WordPress bloggers whose essays I have adopted as my English language study material. The other one is an English lady whose interest is permaculture. The reason for the adoption is that you two’s writing is not only linguistically rich but also inspiring with life lessons. Thanks for the post and the podcast.

    • Thank you for that! You always leave the most encouraging comments and I appreciate every one of them! We all like to write, but we also hope that what we’ve written will be read. Your comments make it clear that you not only ready my posts (and posts of many others!) but that you think about them and find some value in them. That means more than you know, especially to someone like me who is definitely not a professional “rule-following” writer, just someone who puts down in words what I’m thinking. Thank you again!

  7. Loved the interview, Stuart. You handle interviews so well … very relaxed & in control. The pierces you discussed/read were timely & timeless. They resonated with me for all the obvious reasons but also by how they pointed out that we are pretty helpless to change things globally but we CAN do pretty impressive things within our sphere of influence & I think that’s a very important message.

    Congratulations on your successes … & the positive influence you have on your followers that we pass along to ours. That is just huge.

    Merry Christmas!

    • Thank you for that! I’m not good at any “public speaking” type of thing so what you perceived as my relaxed state was probably actually abject fear. haha! But Wynne and Vicki who have the podcast are great at making people feel comfortable, welcome, and at ease. Thanks, as always, for your supportive comments. Merry Christmas to you too!

  8. I would love to follow, but can’t find the icon for it

  9. Stuart, Congrats on another interview.
    Below I am repeating the reply I left on the magazine article from which your interview was initiated.

    Has taken nostalgia, and tradition and by them harmoniously joined generations. There is an unshakable commonality between young and old in the most common place enjoyments. One of which is simply fishing. Stuart has in his most artful way revealed all the more important aspects of relationships that bridge age gaps and are enhanced while one baits a hook and lands a sea bass or trout. Truly Stuart is “a fisher of men” and family.

  10. Hi Stuart, I read the transcript and it was wonderful. It’s always great to know there are bloggers out there who are real people with hearts of gold. Many thanks!

  11. Thank you for visiting my blog to leave me to yours, Stuart! Congratulations on your podcast opportunity- what fun!

    Have a great day!

  12. Beth Foster


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