The Local Scoop Magazine – Because Granddaddy Liked to Fish

I’m excited to let you know that my essay paying homage to Granddaddy, the reason so many in my family grew up loving the Chesapeake Bay, appears in the current issue of The Local Scoop Magazine!

It’s always a thrill to work with the kind folks at The Local Scoop. Having enjoyed time at the bay my entire life, it was especially fun to contribute to a magazine representing an area I’ve always loved.

Below is the link. Feel free to leave a comment on their site at the end of the essay. We love the feedback!

Thanks again to all who’ve asked what I’ve been up to lately. Blogging continues to be great fun and has proven to be an exciting pathway to opportunities such as this. Exciting!

Stuart M. Perkins


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60 responses to “The Local Scoop Magazine – Because Granddaddy Liked to Fish

  1. Mercuryhg26

    Congratulations! So happy for you.

  2. So excited for you well done thank you for sharing such happy news

  3. Great story. Congratulations on your new Bay home. May you make many happy memories there.

  4. Congrats on being published in a local publication! Well done both on the exposure and for a sweet story.

  5. Delightful in every way…I hope my full comment posted on the page with your essay. Thank you, Stuart! 🥰

  6. Tamara Kulish from

    Congratulations! This is great!

  7. Loved your piece, Stuart. Especially “Layers of memories would be built from that place.” and then you deliver all those memories. Love your writing, your family and the traditions that you all love so much that they not only transcend generations but transmute from your family to my heart! ❤

  8. Every time I read your story, Stuart, the deepest corner of my heart is touched.
    Your grandfather’s love of fishing has left behind a family legacy. The family tradition has not been lost over the years. Instead, it has grown stronger, thanks to the bond of the Stuart clan. It, in turn, adds to the unity.
    I have my roots in the Chinese countryside. I was born there and raised there until I started high school in the county town in my teenage years in the 1980s. The rush to cities in China in the past few decades has left the Chinese countryside neglected. One could say that today a lot of villages are almost empty except for the elderly.
    The genre of your writing is called 乡土文学 in Chinese. It literally means “homeland literature”. Reading your heart-warming stories and the Chinese counterparts evoke similar feelings and nostalgia. I call myself an urbanite now. There would be no way I could go back to the old lifestyle. But there are so many precious memories of my childhood experiences deep in my heart that I have decided to preserve them in words. In the coming years, I will write about them in my blog too.
    Thanks for the inspiration, Stuart.

  9. This is a lovely piece. It reminds me of a family I know who has a similar situation. The previous generations bought a cottage in the Lake District, a most beautiful part of the UK. We befriended one of the sons when we were all young adults, and have been blessed by being included in trips to the cottage each summer now with our own children.

  10. Pingback: The Local Scoop Magazine – Because Granddaddy Liked to Fish

  11. Really enjoyed your article and fascinating insight into a place I have never heard of before. Sounds wonderful

  12. You’ve done it again! Congratulations! Looking forward to buying your book of collected stories when published.

  13. Thank you so much for another story a bit of which may wend its way into a sermon as much as my heart.

  14. Congratulations! And I really liked your essay.

  15. Stuart, you’ve done it again! Capturing emotions and sentiments that everyone so easily understands. The building of new traditions from the bases we each bring to a marriage / relationship is what we all do, innately. Perhpas, we don’t think about it or express it the way you do. That is your magic: being able to express it!

  16. Fantastic piece! Thanks for sharing!

  17. I didn’t grow up there, but I still have some wonderful childhood memories if the Bay.

  18. I don’t think I ever found an arrowhead either, but teeth aplenty!

  19. deemallon

    I love the way the first cottage and then the newer one of yours become characters in the story.

  20. Valerie Lute

    Beautiful story!

  21. What a fantastic article. I’m sure you’ve made many memories at your new place on the bay. Granddaddy would be proud.

  22. I love family storys – little forays into history – and thank you for liking my blog!

  23. Please remove me from your mailing list. I’m getting a huge amount of notifications from you–dozens every day. Thank you! Heidi Eliason

  24. This story reminds me of our own family beach house and the memories we made there! 🙂

  25. camilla wells paynter

    This was a lovely story! Your positivity is infectious! I’m not in the habit of plugging my own work in comments on other people’s blogs, but after reading this, I think you might enjoy my (very) short story “Pond Lilies,” about a day on the water with my great-grandfather in rural New Hampshire. I live on the other coast now, but even though I was a wee lass then, those days and their pleasures are vivid in my mind! Thank you for sharing your happy memories!

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