Sharing The Heart of the Matter Podcast!

An exciting announcement!

I was invited by Wynne Leon and Vicki Atkinson to join them on their Sharing the Heart of the Matter Podcast, a feature of The Heart of the Matter blog!

The Heart of the Matter strives to inspire writers (and readers) to discuss stories in an uplifting way, in a supportive and encouraging space, where all perspectives and viewpoints are welcomed.

I like writing – but it’s not always easy. I dislike public speaking – it’s never easy. So my hands sweated profusely while publicly speaking about writing, but Wynne and Vicki made that easy. I enjoyed every minute.

To listen, click on Episode 12 Show Notes: On Storytelling with Stuart M Perkins and scroll to the bottom for the podcast link.

You can also search for Sharing the Heart of the Matter on Amazon, Apple, Spotify, or PocketCasts and select an episode from the show line-up.

And please follow for excellent content provided by Wynne, Vicki, and their team.

Thanks again to all who’ve asked what I’ve been up to lately. Blogging continues to be great fun and has proven to be an exciting pathway to incredible opportunities such as this.

Stuart M. Perkins


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56 responses to “Sharing The Heart of the Matter Podcast!

  1. Stuart – you were amazing. It was so fun to talk with you.

    You are such an inspirational writer – your writing is beautiful and your talking about writing is such a fun encouragement of others to write their stories as well. Thank you so much for doing that podcast with us. Here’s to doing more!! 🙂 ❤

  2. VJ

    Looking forward to it Stuart!

  3. It was a pleasure to meet you via the podcast. I am anxious to do some retroactive reading of your blog

  4. masterkeyinterface

    Stuart, how awesome. Great work, man!
    I would love to connect with you.
    Would that be possible?
    Happy Easter! 😊 🙏 🤲
    Laura Matsuda

  5. The interview was great. I’m glad I listened and was prompted to check out and follow your blog

  6. Congratulations as your yarn-spinning evolves…

  7. I thoroughly enjoyed that Stuart. I remember that story and how it remind me of a similar situation with my mom. I’m pretty sure she called me the dirt magnet. She wasn’t wrong.

  8. Wynne and Vicki did such a great job of hyping up the upcoming podcast that I checked out your blog and promptly pushed the ‘follow’ button. Then I tuned into the podcast to see what all the hype was about, and would never have guessed that you were suffering with the old sweaty-hand curse. You came across like a pro—oh and by the way, and I love your mastery of blogdom. I’m looking forward to reading more

  9. Wonderful, Stuart! You seemed so relaxed & in your element. Was good hearing your voice. As a kid who became almost catatonic when faced with an oral book report in school I understand your reluctance to engage in public speaking. I’ve found we overcome our fears when we do something potentially frightening that we have great passion for. Long story but after those awful sweaty palms giving oral book reports & after a very long career as an OR RN, I went on to host a local TV talk show for 6 years. As a breast cancer survivor asked to speak about my experience at our local cancer center, that’s when I found out passion for your subject mostly conquers the fear. Congratulations on this success. I hope you do this many times.

    • Thanks, as always for your supportive comments! And you’re exactly right about the overwhelming feelings when faced with a book report… I remember that myself. But wow, you more than overcame your fears that’s for sure! And congratulations on beating your cancer and using that negative to find a positive in yourself. Thank you again for such a great comment!

  10. Amazing! Is that you, Stuart, being interviewed on the podcast? I am hearing you, from China! Just now, the hostess read your post, Get Dirty!. It is a feast for the ears. Thanks, Stuart. I do appreciate it.

  11. Very cool. You should do something like that again.

  12. Congratulations on your success in “publicly speaking about writing!” If you hadn’t told me you were nervous, i’d have beverages guessed it!

  13. Stuart! What a great interview. It is a great chat that flew by with a lot of laughs.

    Thank you, Vicki and Wynne for interviewing Stuart. His stories show the universality of families, imparting family uniqueness and transcending it across cultures, languages and religions to themes applicable to all of us: simplicity and love.

  14. What a wonderful interview!

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  17. Pingback: Sharing The Heart of the Matter Podcast! – menthor of mind

  18. Steven Smith


  19. Congrats, Stuart!!!
    Haven’t heard the pod cast yet, but plan to do so. Will get back to you when I do. I’m sure it will be enjoyable and enlightening.
    Proud of you, my friend.

    • Thanks, Alan! You have been so supportive ever since I started blogging, years ago now! I really appreciate that.

      • Stuart,
        Just listened to your blog interview. Congrats! You explained your writing motivation very well. As you said, from all walks of life your stories grab people’s interest and translate it into a universal humor. Your humble nature compels a chuckle because humbleness is the catalyst for humor.
        Eric Liddell, the “Flying Scotsman” and famed Olympic runner in 1924, when asked about his great ability as a runner said: “God made me fast, and when I run, I feel His pleasure.”
        I see that in you, my friend. You have been graced to write as you do. The many who read your work, including me, can’t help but also feel God’s pleasure.

      • Alan, thank you for that! As always, your comments are so thoughtful, inspiring, and leave me references for follow up! Love that. You’ve been supportive and encouraging for so long and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate feedback from you. Thank you again. I’m grateful to have you as an e-friend!

      • You’re quite welcome Stuart. Keep up the meaningful, nostalgic, and entertaining writing. It’s a joy to many.

  20. Fine, helpful blog. Thank you for liking my poem!

  21. Really fun and informative conversation! Thank you!!

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