On The Radio…

I may be more comfortable writing than talking but talking I will do… this Friday, August 28th at 1:30 p.m. EDT when I join Annette Rochelle Aben as her guest on Tell Me a Story, a presentation of The Magic Happens Radio Network!

We’ll likely discuss a little about my blog and a story of mine included in the latest Chicken Soup for the Soul: Volunteering and Giving Back, then move on to something less interesting…me.

Below is the description provided for Friday’s show along necessary links to join in on the fun.

I hope you’ll log in and listen!

Stuart M. Perkins

Storyshucker Stu Perkins on Tell Me a Story – no need to pinch yourself, it is actually happening  Friday, August 28th. We have tried a couple of times but the 3rd time has indeed been the charm for us here at The Magic Happens Radio Network. Visiting Stu’s blog, Storyshucker, and reading his tales is like taking a step back in time to when people took priority over popularity and family was the ‘inter-net’ where you learned everything.

Oh, and that blog address is http://www.storyshucker.wordpress.com/ so be sure to head over and catch up the archives and see what heart-warming story has been shucked of late.

Also, keep an eye open for a brand new Chicken Soup for the Soul: Volunteering and Giving Back, because Stu Perkins is one the contributing writers. We cover this and more in Friday’s Tell Me a Story, a presentation of The Magic Happens Radio Network. Find us at:




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83 responses to “On The Radio…

  1. Philip Shiell

    Brilliant Stu! Would love to listen.
    Great stuff…

  2. Well done Stuart. i am hoping to be able to listen to that 🙂

  3. I’m going to listen!!! 🙂 I found myself reading through your archives. Today, my heart strings sang a little! I love Nannies.

    Like you, I lived very close to my Nanny. Reading about your Nannie conjured a flood of memories about mine. Ah, the simple things!

    I remember quite a few times looking out of my back door only to see her batting down a sheet on the clothesline. She’d attack it with two hands like a crazy lady. Then “crazed Nanny” would brush her hands down her apron, tug it back into place, gracefully run her hands over her set hair, pushing it back into its proper place. She’d pick up her empty basket and prance back into the house like everyone was watching. I can remember laughing because she’d look so awkwardly proper. She never knew I was watching, or did she?
    Every time I hang a sheet, I think of her.

    Sometimes when looked out of my front door, I could see bent over her much-prided petunias. She grew them in tackiest white, wooden wheelbarrow that sat smack-dab in the middle of the front yard. It had big, gaudy, black house numbers on it that faced the street. She’d constantly pinch the tops of those flowers. She’d get the mail then pluck petunias. It seemed like she was always messing with those poor petunias! She wipe the tacky thing down using her good towels. When I’d move it to cut the grass, I’d get “the stare” until it was back in its rightful spot. When my Nanny passed away, I found out that her best friend of sixty years made that wheelbarrow and gave it to her full of petunias as a house warming gift. I realized in that moment, it was never about petunias.
    I’ve yet to come across a tacky white, wooden wheelbarrow but every time I see a patch of rainbow colored petunias, I think of her.

    Today would be my Nanny’s 88th birthday.
    I loved that woman.

    Wishing you bountiful blessings!!! You’re going to be great!

  4. Jan

    Stu – just pretend that you are talking to me…while we are picking tomatoes/blackberries/potatoes….You’ll be great !!

  5. Leo

    The first time I`ve heard of Blog Radio.

  6. What a pity we live in a different time zone else I’d have loved to listen in. Good luck with the broadcast

  7. Just checked the links to make sure I can get to listen here in Spain. Seems I can.

    Radio would seem the ideal medium for your tales. When I lived back in England BBC Radio 4 used to broadcast Garrison Keillor’s News from Lake Wobegon, which I loved.

    There must be a station, somewhere, that would give you a regular slot. I’m sure your stories would prove incredibly popular.

  8. Sharon Eshler

    Proud of you, Stu. Hoping to figure out how to tune in on Friday. Nannie and company would be so proud.

  9. Congratulations! And thanks for following me! I really appreciate it! 🙂

  10. Congratulations on the Chicken Soup story and the radio spot. And thanks for the follow! Next stop: Blog Talk Radio to get the particulars so I can listen.

  11. DianeAP

    I’m glad that the interview will be archived for later listening. Enjoy the experience. You have a lot of loyal fans.

  12. Stuart, such well deserved recognition! You are a storyteller extraordinare!

  13. “When you see a need, fill it” – Loved your interview Stuart!! It was nice having the opportunity to hear you speak.

  14. mdhawthorne

    Hi Stuart,
    I just listened to your radio interview and it only confirmed my idea of what a really nice guy you are. I am a fellow blogger and about a year ago or so, you left me a message saying you had enjoyed a post I made. I had no idea of who you were so, of course, I went to your blog and started reading. And kept reading. And read some more. I was blown away. It was as though I had entered a literary time machine and was transported back to my youth when life was simpler, the days more fun, and family much more important. I did not have the extended family you did and I envy you that but what I did have I truly appreciated. Thank you for your blog, Stuart. In a society I truly believe has gone mad sometimes, I find it calming and refreshing to go to the Storyshucker and be reminded there are truly good and caring people still among us. And you, Sir, are at the head of that line.

    • I don’t even know what to say to that other than I honestly just teared up. That has to be the nicest comment I’ve ever received, thank you, sincerely. You and I have communicated on here several times and you’re definitely one of good and caring people yourself! Thank you again for your comment. Stuart

  15. Good luck. yous stories awe gweat. Fanks fur stoppin’ by and followin’/likin’ our blog.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  16. I love your perspective, your blog – look forward to reading more!

  17. Congratulations! And thanks for checking out my blog too.

  18. I really should check my inbox even when I’m busy! I missed this announcement until today, but I wanted to congratulate you on this accomplishment! It’s wonderful to see you win recognition for your fine writing. I so enjoy it, and obviously others do as well. well done!!!

    Shannon Anderson

  19. Thanks for posting the link. Great listening!

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